Comprehensive and affective protection of personal data

September 19, 2008

The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights joins in the initiative of the Serbian Protector of Citizens and the Access to Information Comminissioner to submit amendments to the Draft Personal Data Protection Act. We believe that such an important law ought to be devoid of shortcomings seriously undermining the very essence of data protection. The amendments shall prevent numerous abuses that may ensue in the absence of precise data protection rules. The excessively broad interpretation of the «national security» concept may jeopardise the exercise of other human rights as well. The EU integration process obliges Serbia to adopt European standards as well, above all a contemporary concept of national security.


Human Rights of citizens of Serbia violated by ratel’s instructions on electronic surveillance of internet communication

July 29, 2008

The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights (BCHR) condemns the adoption of the 11 July 2008 enactment by the Serbian state Agency for Telecommunications (RATEL), under which this regulatory body instructs Internet service providers to ensure electronic monitoring of global IT communication of Serbia’s residents by enabling state authorities charged with electronic monitoring, above all the Security Information Agency (BIA), with: (more…)

Organs of the State Must Prevent Lawlessness

February 20, 2008

The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights reminds all organs of the State of their constitutional and legal obligation to protect the life and property of all citizens of the Republic of Serbia. In the last four days we have been witnessing gross violations of the elementary human rights of those citizens of Serbia labelled by the self-appointed protectors of the national interest as persons deserving to be victims of fury and lawlessness. (more…)