BCHR Publishes “Sentencing Policy with Respect to Ill-Treatment in Montenegro”

May 28, 2021

Capture-nova-publikacija-252x300The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights has published Sentencing Policy with Respect to Ill-Treatment in Montenegro, prepared by Vladica Ilić, Aleksandar Trešnjev and Tea Gorjanc Prelević. The prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment is one of the few international human rights law norms that are absolute and non-derogable. Despite the crucial importance of the prohibition of ill-treatment, human dignity, that is, the physical and mental integrity of individuals, is still violated, while various crimes committed by public officials remain the “dark figure of crime” or are inadequately punished. This was the main reason why we researched and analysed Montenegro’s sentencing policy with respect to ill-treatment. 

The publication is available in Serbian HERE. 

The BCHR will soon publish a report on Serbia’s sentencing policy with respect to ill-treatment.