Implementation of the National Anti-corruption Strategy in the Republic of Serbia forthe Period 2013 – 2018 and the Action Plan – Alternative Report for 2013 and 2014

December 23, 2014

Donor: Anti-corruption Agency of the Republic of Serbia, with the funds provided by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade

Duration: September 2014 – January 2015

Overall project objective: To assess whether the implementation of activities envisaged in the Action Plan is actually in accordance with the purpose for which they were adopted – that is to assess the compliance of implementation with the spirit and the purpose of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy.


The assessment was based on the analysis of data collected at events and activities related to the fields of Privatization, Public-Private Partnerships, Spatial Planning and Construction, Health, Education and Sport and Prevention of Corruption.

The focus was on actions undertaken in 2013 and 2014 which had or could have influenced (non)fulfillment of assignments prescribed by the Action Plan.

About the project: The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights drafted an alternative report, which focused on information regarding whether the anti-corruption activities from certain chapters of the Action Plan were completed in accordance with the indicators and in compliance with the purpose of the Strategy. The report includes an assessment of the quality of the activities carried out, which was based on the methodology designed for that purpose.

The activities that were analysed belong to the following chapters of the Action Plan: Privatization, Public-Private Partnerships, Spatial Planning and Construction, Health Care, Education, and the Prevention of Corruption.

The report contains specific and elaborated recommendations for further actions of the responsible entities and other public authorities. Those recommendations are based on the results of the analysis to be carried out during the project.

Based on the factual background from the report, the Anti-corruption Agency of the Republic of Serbia was able to adopt precise conclusions on the implementation of the strategic documents in practice. Consequently, it is also able to formulate appropriate recommendations related to the work of the institutions in the future.

This project was funded by the Anti-corruption Agency of the Republic of Serbia, with the funds provided by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade. All views and opinions expressed during the duration of this project do not necessarily reflect the views of the Anti-Corruption Agency or the Kingdom of Norway.

About the Call for Proposals:

The Anti-corruption Agency of the Republic of Serbia announced a repeated public tender on 26 June 2014, inviting CSOs to apply for grants tailored for Alternative Reporting on the implementation of the National Anti-corruption Strategy for the period from 2013 to 2018 and the Action Plan for its implementation (for the third group of areas of the Strategy).

In the process of evaluating the submitted proposals, the selection committee awarded the highest number of points (20.48) to the project proposal which was submitted by the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights.

(text of the Project proposal, Project budget, Decisions on the allocation of financial resources (in Serbian)).

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