Role of Education in Preventing Child Marriage of Roma Girls

October 25, 2015

Donator: Embassy of Canada in Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia

Duration: November 2015 – February 2016

The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights and YUROM Centre Niš initiated a project through which they drew attention to the phenomenon of early or child marriages and its negative impact on children’s enjoyment of their rights.

Through this project, partner organisations worked on prevention of early marriages focusing on education as an important instrument. The project was implemented in five elementary schools in Belgrade, Surdulica, Nis and Leskovac with participation of 75 Roma boys and girls. Educational workshops were used to point out negative impact of early marriages on the lives of children. In addition, two conferences were held in Belgrade and Nis in order to raise public awareness when it comes to the problem of early marriages and to propose concrete measures for its prevention.