Trade in human organs in Kosovo and Albania

December 15, 2010

The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights is astonished by the confirmation of the fact that in 1998 and 1999, under the orders and supervision of some commanders of the Kosovo Liberation Army, now active in Kosovo political life, many kidnapped persons, ethnic Albanians as well as non – Albanians. were brutally deprived of their vital body parts which were offered for sale abroad.The absolute need to face the ugly past bears no exceptions: authorities of the  State of  Albania and the present Kosovo authorities as well as the Albanian leaders and the representatives of the international community participating in the rule over Kosovo must insist on the realization of the fundamental demands directed towards all participants in the conflicts in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, that is to conduct resolute investigation of the perpetrators of these heinous crimes, punish the latter, discover of the whole truth and confront it.