Consultation meeting regarding the Global Refugee Forum

June 19, 2019


Belgrade Centre for Human Rights and the UNHCR Serbia organised consultations of civil society on 18 June 2019 in the Human Rights House in Belgrade with focus on Global Refugee Forum that will be held in December 2019 in Geneva. Global Refugee Forum is envisaged with the Global Compact for Refugees as a mechanism for implementation of this document. Forum will be the unique opportunity for each member state to present examples of good practices especially in regards to integration of refugees into society. Also, this meeting will be a chance for the member states to present their needs for further improvements regarding integration issues in front of potential donors. Thus, as part of  honoring of the World Refugee Day we organised a meeting with civil society organisations with expertise in protection of refugees and migrants or other vulnerable categories in order to analyse current practices which would be suggested as our contribution to the position of Serbia at Global Refugee Forum.
