Enhancing Efficiency and Visibility of Independent Regulatory Bodies in Serbia

December 22, 2012
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Donor: USAID – ISC

Duration: November 2012 – February 2013 

During the project, Belgrade Centar for Human Rights will keep track of the effectiveness of the on-ground implementation of recommendations issued by the Ombudsperson (the State Ombudsman, Provincial Ombudsman and the local branch offices in Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja) and the Equality Commissioner on the territory of 10 strategically selected cities/municipalities in Serbia by focusing on Albanian, Bosniak and Hungarian national minorities. In this respect the project aims to strengthen up institutions, increase the efficiency of implementation of  their recommendations and develop constructive dialogue among relevant stakeholders in this process. Above all, project will try to set up a common and sustainable mechanism (methodology) for following and evaluating the effectiveness of the recommendations issued by the Ombudsperson and Equality Commissioner, and Provincial Ombudsman in area of protection of minority rights, in order to get conclusions and recommendations for further improvement of the situation regarding their better implementation.

In the final phase of the action research and field visits will be organized three roundtables in three different cities in Serbia. The results of research conducted by the Belgrade Center for Human Rights will be presented in this roundtables, including the efficient and sustainable mechanism (methodology) for following and evaluating the effectiveness of the recommendations issued by the independent regulatory bodies, which should contribute to future monitoring and open up possibilities for further cooperation.

Realisation of Rights of National Minorities.indd 


Realisation of rights of national minorities – Implementation of recommendations of independent institutions for the protection of human right in Serbia