An appeal to preserve the constitutional protection of Human Rights in Serbia

June 4, 2006

The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights appeals to all organs of the State, and in particular to the National Assembly, to take urgent measures to preserve the constitutional guarantees of human rights in the Republic of Serbia. If it be allowed to happen that, after the dissolution of the State Union, the Charter of Human and Minority Rights of Serbia and Montenegro cease to be in force in Serbia, the latter would fully return to its 1990 Constitution and her citizens will again become victims of an outdated understanding of human rights. Whereas the Charter represents a modern document which precisely and fully guarantees fundamental rights of human beings and citizens and which has attracted wide recognition, the major deficiencies of the current constitution lie precisely in its provisions on human rights. It, for instance, does not prohibit slavery and forced labour! In this constitution, the right to liberty and security of person is incomplete and minority rights are far below the standard of the Charter. Even those rights that are formally guaranteed can easily be derogated or restricted.