Disgusting and dangerous boomerang

May 13, 2003

The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights again alerts to the alarming examples of hate speech which occasionally – but nontheless much too frequently – appears in Serbia’s media and public life in general. The BCHR has to date mostly alerted to such cases in political discourse. Hate speech is, however, present also in media allegedly focusing on non-political issues and entertainment.For example, the puzzle magazine Shock boomerang, published by the Kruševac company Albos, has printed in its issue No. 2 a “Form for Shiptars” in which it insults the elementary dignity, personal and national feelings of the members of the Albanian ethnic community in the most disgusting manner. In a question related to family relations, the readers are given the option of comparing Albanians to pets. The other questions and optional answers are inspired by just as much hate and desire to insult Albanians. This provocation is accompanied by photographs that suggest Albanians are ugly animals.

The “Form” is definitely no joke, but, rather, an evident example of enticing and instigating national and religious hatred, intolerance and dissent, comparable only to the most notorious racism in the Hitler era. Such incidents constitute grave acts of crime both in Serbia and every other civilised country.

The “Form” was not published recently. The competent public prosecutor has had time to act. The BCHR will approach the prosecutor to remind him or her that such crimes are prosecuted ex officio. The BCHR calls on the judicial authorities to react to such violations of fundamental human rights, and on the press and other competent professional associations to sharply condemn the conduct of their so-called colleagues working for Shock boomerang. So that we all avoid the boomerang of war and bloodshed!